3D Scanning
We have state-of-the-art 3D scanning to help restore or create anything! Our 3D scanning has amazing capabilities that we can offer individuals and commercial clients! Inspiration for 3D scanning uses:
- Replacing one-of-a-kind objects that are otherwise impossible
- Engineering – Raw scanning data you can plug into your own designs, reverse engineering, and drafting environments
- Replication perfection of doors, windows, rosettes, anything architectural, furniture pieces
- Artwork and crafts!!! Scan a living person to make a statue? Yes. And everything else seems less challenging after that.
- Heritage Preservation – unique architectural details can be preserved, modeled, and made later
- Prototyping for product design/modification and testing
We also have the capacity to REPLICATE any of the scanned modeling into a wood product. We can scan, model and fabricate anything into wood!! Just request a quote or hit the “contact” button to get started!!
Examples of our 3D Modeling
Our 3D scanning and modeling work is billed at an hourly rate. For an estimate please fill out our contact form, we would love to help you!
Contact Us
Do you have something that needs scanned? Great! Please fill out the form below to get started with an estimate.